In this course we look at how to start a blog and make money online using AdSense. If you always wanted to know how to create a blog but didn't know where to start then this course is for you! We need to grab a domain name and hosting, but otherwise we will be doing everything our self for free.
We will be showing you how to make a blog with WordPress, a FREE Content Management System (CMS) that powers around two-thirds of the websites online, and is used by the giant multi-million and billion dollar companies, as well as the biggest celebrities.
The best part about this course is we cover how to set up a blog without needing to write a single line of code! Yes you read that correctly! It's now easy to make your own blog thanks to WordPress which uses a wysiwyg interface. This means that setting up a blog and adding content to it is as easy as using Microsoft Word!
In this course we also take a look at how to write compelling blog posts that people will want to share! Learning how to blog the right way is essential if you want people to share your content online which in turn brings you extra traffic to your site!
To have full control of your blog online, you will need to grab a domain name and hosting, but those are the only costs we have and we can grab both for as little as $10 a month as shown in the course.
There are a number of ways to make money online from your blog, however in this course we look at the easiest, namely Google AdSense! We show you how to create your own blog in a way that you can earn money by simply display Google Ads on your site and no further work is required. This is by far the easiest way to make money on a blog.
A blog is almost the same thing a s a website, however the only real difference is that blogs are made up of blog posts, which are dated content articles that typically allow for user interaction on them in the form of blog comments.